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Preserve MIME

PreserveMime = No

Means all user EMAIL that comes in will be converted to Wildcat! Format.

That means if they is an attachment, the user will see the attachment ONLY thru Wildcat. It means that HTML will be stripped out because Wildcat is a TEXT based system. So it is important that end-users send HTML and TEXT with email. If the end-user sends only HTML, you will see a BLANK message in wildcat with a ATT1.HTML attachment.

PreserveMime = Yes

This means all user email that comes in will be SAVED in the original raw, RFC standard format.

This is good if you intend to read mail using external clients such as Outlook Express, Netscrape, etc who are using Browser VIEWING technology and can handle multi-mime RFC mail.

When PreserveMime is YES, if you try to read the mail via ANSI mode or WCNAV, you will see the RFC garbage in the mail.

If you have PreserveMime = NO and you still try to use OUTLOOK to pick up mail, it will work fine, but you can lose some of the original format of the message. This is especially true when the Mail has alot of HTML junk. But it will work for simple email with a single attachment.

But if you intend to use Outlook all the time, you should turn on PreserveMime for yourself.

This is why it is a USER option, not a SYSTEM option.

© 2002 Hector Santos,