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Display your own error HTML files

(since 5.3.448.2)

You can create your own error HTML files, this files will be sent instead of the built-in messages.

The error files are in the http/errors subdirectory with the following names:


The user is already logged on


The user typed an incorrect password
Note: If you rename it to .wct then the password check runs once and the user has no chance to correct the typed password.


Invalid node number

invalidphone.htm 4)

Phone number is invalid or not permitted. Click the browser back button and try again.
(Used for the questionnaire processor)


The user is locked out


The node is already used

nonav.htm 3)

When attempting to run a client for which there is no DHTML counterpart, the error message text is taken from nonav.htm if present.

notfound.htm/.wct 1)

404, URL not found


The user is out of time

passwordchange.htm/.wct 2)

Forces password change

unauthorized.htm 1)

401, unauthorized user login
Note: If you rename it to .wct no one can login, the unauthorized.wct is displayed directly. The browser logon box doesn't popup.

1) With the AUP 449.5 the notfound.htm and unauthorized.htm can be in the http/errors directory. In previous versions they were hard coded to be in the http directory. The new web server will now check the http/errors directory first before checking the http/ directory for these two files.

2) Since AUP 450.2: used for the forced password change. The file passwordchangeok.htm in the http/template directory is displayed if the change was ok. Passwordchangeok can’t be in the wct format.

3) This file must be in the http directory and can’t be in the wct format.

4) Since AUP 450.7: The WEB server questionnaire processor will now support the phone number validation check file, data\badphone.lst. If the phone number or mask is in this file, the user be redirected to the error file