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Hit Counter

It’s simple to create a hit counter for your web page. Simply add the tag

<IMG SRC=”counter?xxx”>

to your page. Create a xxx.ctr file in your data directory, where the hits are stored.


(since 5.4.449.5)

The logic was changed to allow automatically creation of the counter file in your data folder.

(since 5.6.450.7)

The logic was changed back to not allow automatically creation of the counter file.
Since the Web allows URL access from remote sites, it was possible for a remote site to create unwanted counter files. In short, they were using YOUR machine as storage system. In this update , the WEB server reverted to the old logic to address this possible issue. If you want to use the <IMG src="counter?XXXX"> url to create a web hits counter on your web site, you must first create the DATA\XXXX.ctr file. It will not be automatically created. The HITS counter will show zero (0) if the file does not exist.