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Alias URL

There are a few alias URL to know for WINServer:



The URL for CGI programs is always /cgi/ or /public/cgi/, but the actual CGI path is configured in the Computers icon in wcConfig.



The URL for wcBasic programs
use /public/code for anonymous users



Personal inbox: new mail is displayed only


Personal inbox: all mail is displayed



Launches the message client.


Launches the message client into conference number "n".


Launches the message client into message group number "n".


Launches the message client into user's inbox.


Launches the message client into user's "selected conferences" group.



Launches the file client.


Launches the file client into file area number "n".


Launches the file client into file group number "n".


Launches the file client into new files search.



Launches the transfer client.

&download= wc%3a\file\area(n)\filename.ext

Launches the transfer client into a download of filename.ext which exists in the directory configured for file area number "n". The size=x is the size in bytes (optional) and runfile=false is a true/false toggle that determines whether the file should be automatically run after the download is complete (optional). The wc%3a translates to wc: (you have to use the escape code for the colon since that means something else in HTML).



Launches the terminal client.


Launches the terminal client running the designated wcCode application (replace spaces with + signs).



(AUP 448.2) Redirect a web browser user to the URL /code/html-terminal which in turn redirects the user to telnet://hostname where HOSTNAME is the same as the web servers domain name. Most web browsers today will open telnet.exe when it receives a telnet:// URL.



Launches the personal properties client.



Launches the who's online client.



Launches the chat client.

&<chat channel name>.wcn

Opens the specified chat channel.


Opens the user's personal channel.



(AUP 449.5) download from local machine wcnode/nodeX



(AUP 449.5) download from server machine wcnode/tempX



Log on using Dynamic HTML


Log on using Wildcat Navigator

The only other Wildcat! specific tag relates to special handling of anchor links. If you have a link which you want to handle one way if the user is logged into Wildcat! Interactive Net Server and another way if they are just on the web (ie, ftp a file if on the web or download a file if logged in with the Wildcat! Navigator), you can add wcnav="<URL>" to the tag to override the contents of the href="<URL>" parameter. An example would be the following:

<a href="" wcnav="client?transfer&download=wc%3a\file\area(39)\q95demo.exe+size=3199194+runfile=false .wcn">QmodemPro for Windows 95 v2.0 DEMO</a>