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Function GetParamStr()

For wcBASIC, data is sent two different ways, from a FORM method="GET" and FORM method="POST"

The easiest way to remember this is that a GET sends the form data on the URL line and POST sends it as a FILE to wcBASIC.

As of 449.5, I made it simply so it is doesn't matter:

Here is an example code:

#include <htmlutil.wch>

// Read the data send by the browser.
// PrepareHTTPRequestData will check for GET and POST methods
// PrepareHTTPRequestData will return TRUE if a POST method was used

dim nvpairs as string
PrepareHTTPRequestData(paramstr(1), nvpairs)

// nvpairs string is the "name=value" pairs in the form data,
// so if you are looking for a input field, use
// the GetParamXXXr() functions to extract the Name/Value Pairs

dim email as string  = GetParamstr(nvpairs,"email")
dim name as string  = GetParamstr(nvpairs,"name")
dim age as string      = GetParamInt(nvpairs,"age")


If you don't have 449.5, then simply use GetParamStr(Paramstr(1)) for a GET method or GetParamStr(GetPostData(Paramstr(1))) for a POST method. The PrepareHTTPRequestData basically does this for you.

The only things is this. If you are UPLOADING a FILE, the file data is not part of the nvpairs!
See the Developer's corner for an example of how to upload a file using POST

© 2002 Hector Santos,