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Scan a file after upload


When a file is uploaded via ANSI side, scanfile.wcx will be executed if it is available. You can scan the uploaded file for viruses etc.


(since AUP 448)

Since this AUP there’s support for uploaded files via the web, htmlscanfile.wcx will be executed if it is available.


(since AUP 449.5)

Now wcFTP server has the ability to run a WCX program after a file has been uploaded. If the following file, ftpScanFile.wcc, exists in the \WC5 directory, it will be executed after the file is uploaded but before the file record is added to the file database.

This allows the wcx program to set the FailedScan record flag and/or delete the temporary file. If the file does not exist when the WCX returns to FTP, the file record will not be added to the database.