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LoadODBC option

(since 5.4.449.6)

Microsoft’s MDAC 2.5 and MDAC 4.0 contain a problem with ODBC and threads. If a SQL statement was issued with a where clause, the WCX application would eventually fault wcOnline . Microsoft confirmed this bug.


The ultimate solution is to upgrade the MDAC version on your machine. Please keep in mind that Microsoft made significant changes to ODBC driver support starting with MDAC 2.6. So upgrading may alter your database environment. Read the Microsoft MDAC information on their web site.

However, Microsoft did provide a "workaround" to solve the current problem with MDAC 2.5 and MDAC 4.0. This solution calls for loading the MSJET40.DLL library at the beginning of the application. WCX applications can not load it because its a chicken and egg problem. The top level application has to load it, wcOnline and wcRun.

For wcOnline to load this library, you need to create the following registry option:


If the value is 1, wcOnline will load the MSJET40.DLL when it starts up.

For ODBC wcx applications executed via wcRun, wcRun will automatically load this library.

© 2001 Hector Santos,