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wcSMTP has a maps rbl feature. To use this, do the following steps:

  1. Start wcConfig and double-click the wcSMTP icon
  2. Now go to the MAPS RBL tab
  3. Check the enable MAPS RBL checkbox

The default server seems not to work, I had to use the Alternate MAPS RBL Server Address.

One that you can use is This site checks for open relays only.

Another site you can use is This site checks for different spam sources including open relays. (Details about using this service)

The stopped mails are now logged with IP in the file mapsrbl.log - this file grows really fast now!


(since 5.4.449.6)

First, the reference to MAPS RBL was removed. It is now SPAM RBL. The default RBL host is now: . The new wcConfig will reflect this change.

Second, the way wcSMTP rejected remote clients was based on the connection. So if an IP was blacklisted at the RBL host, wcSMTP simply dropped the connection.

This old method didn't give the remote client a chance to respond hence they tried again, again, again, and again. The logs built up fast.

The new method is the recommended method for RBL rejection. This means the connection is allowed to come through, but at the point when the remote sends the RCPT TO: line (recipient E-mail address), a 550 error code rejection is automatically issued saying:

550 Refused mail at <rbl host>; See http://<rbl host> for details.

You will not see this. It is sent to the remote. What you will see in the wcSMTP logs is:

DENIED: ip <remote ip> filtered at <rbl host> (orig rcpt: <email>)

In addition, the mapsrbl.log was renamed to spamrbl.log and it is a lot cleaner. In it you will see a 127.0.0.x rejection reason. If X is greater than 0, then the IP was rejected for X reason. These reasons can be found at the web site or here.

(since 5.5.450.1)

There’s a new SMTP SPAM RBL option:

[ ] Always allow authenticated users

If checked, it will allow the connection to go thru even if the IP is blocked at the SPAM RBL site.