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Mail Relay

(since 5.3.448)

By default wcSMTP is now secure against relaying. Since day one, wcSMTP allowed relaying if the FROM address contained a domain name that was local to the system. In 447, we disabled this 'feature' IF SMTP Authentication was enabled. Now we have gone one step further. Due to the large volume of SPAM Relaying reports recieved which are directly related to this 'feature', we have disabled the use of the FROM address to relay through wcSMTP by default. SMTP Authentication is no longer required to provide complete blocking of email relay.

If you MUST have this 'feature', you must:

  1. disable SMTP Authentication
  2. set the registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/MSI/Wildcat/wcSMTP with a new DWORD variable called AllowSPAMHole. Set it to 1.

If you do this, your system is OPEN TO RELAYING BY THE WORLD.


© 1999 Hector Santos,