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Message base mail packing

Control packing time for message base

You may now control the exact time of day when message packing will occur.

Create a registry key called: 


and place a value called PackHour, of type DWORD, in that key. The value is the hour at which packing will be performed (0=midnight, 23=11pm) . In the absence of this registry value, packing will be performed on the default schedule of once every five hours. This key may be changed while the server is running - it will be read after each pack cycle.

Mail packing events

(since 5.4.449.5)

Mail Packing events do not automatically start now upon server startup. Previous versions did not initialize some internal timers which caused the mail event to immediately begin.

Manual start for mail packing

To start mail packing manually, start

wcPostwm Wildcat.Server.PackMail

More about wcPostwm.