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Client Connection

(since 5.3.447)

The server will now deny Wildcat! client IP addresses at the server "contact" stage. Prior, it deny the contact after the connection was made. This makes the system more secure (depending on your point of view).

The server has been improved for sub-net Wildcat! client contacts. This helps situations where the client can not broadcast across router to find servers. By specifying the info below, the client will be told to directly contact the wildcat server.

If you wish to run a Wildcat! client on a different subnet, you can connect to the server by using the following environment strings:

set wildcatserver=<server_machine_name>
set wildcatserverip=<server_machine_ip_address>


set wildcatserver=mainsrv1
set wildcatserverip=


You may use the wildcatserver environment string at any time, not just for sub-net situations. You may use it in a LAN. This will speed up the contact and loading of the Wildcat! client application.

© 1999 Hector Santos,