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(since 5.4.449)

KILLPROF.EXE is a 1 time usage (need) utility provided with this AUP to clean up legacy random user profiles which were already created on your system. To use this utilty, start WCSERVER.EXE, make sure wcCONFIG is not running and run this utility from your \WC5 directory.

Once it does its job, you won't ever need to use this utility again. The files which should remain in your DATA\USERPROF directory is based on the total number of users you have on your system. One user profile data file is reserved per 256 users. So 0 through 255 are stored in 00000000.DAT, 256 to 511 are stored in 00001000.DAT, etc.

KILLPROF.EXE will delete all other randomly numbered files which do not belong in any user group.

© 2000 Hector Santos,