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Allow private files

(since 5.4.449.5)

There’s a new File Area option in wcConfig:

[ ] Allow Private Files

This checkbox is a new feature to allow for files in a file area to be considered "private" and only accessible by the user id the file is assigned.

This is only possible using wcBASIC or 3rd party applications, where users are uploading files into file areas and wish to make the file private for specific users. This allows customers using WINSERVER as a File Exchange System with their user clients to avoid having to create a unique access profile and file area for each user. One file area can be used for all users and, with the Allow Private Files logic in place, users will only be able to download the files they were assigned. However, once again, how the Private Files are assigned are based on the customer's customization and program applications using wcBASIC or the SDK.

© 2001 Hector Santos,